Antenatal (Pregnancy) Profile

The Antenatal (Pregnancy) Profile are tests performed during pregnancy to assess the health of the mother and the developing fetus. This helps identify any potential risks to the pregnancy and allows the doctor to determine the right treatment and actions

The blood test includes the ToRCH profile, which are serological tests to detect antibodies against toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes pathogens in maternal blood. The ToRCH profile is crucial in maternal healthcare, especially during pregnancy, as it screens for infections that can have significant implications for both the mother and the developing fetus

Tests are usually performed at various stages of the pregnancy, with some repeated periodically to monitor changes and detect new developments

  • CBC & ESR Profile
  • Blood Group & Rh Factor
  • Plasma Glucose, Random
  • ToRCH IgM Profile [ELISA]
  • HBs Ag [Enhanced CL]
  • HCV Antibody [Enhanced CL]
  • Urine DR (Detailed Report)
  1. Spot urine (freshly passed random urine sample)